Favourite Infosites and Blogs
Follows the currently ongoing collapse of the global monetary system in great detail. A great remedy against mainstream media kool-aid. Additionally, you get to learn a lot on how financial markets work from their technical perspective. It's only too bad that no further educational info is provided for the dilettantes such as myself.
Ah! Stacy and Max! Always good for a little bashing of the powers that be. They both illustrate very well to what point the little people all over the world have been conned, hoodwinked over the last 40 years (since Nixon cut the umbellical cord between gold and the dollar). Besides, they offer far better strategies to combat these powers than any of the ignorant so-called progressive movements out there (Crash JP Morgan, Buy Silver!). A "militant" site!
Mike Shedlock (Mish) is a deflationist (and he has been proven right so far), but remains also bullish on gold. He sees through the misconception that deflation is bearish for gold and, inversely, inflation bullish. Though I personally still think we're in for some heavy PRICE inflation over the coming years (particularly in food and energy), his views on MONETARY deflation are well worth learning about.